Открытые данные о перелетах во всем мире
✈️🗄 Historical data for all aircrafts traces known to adsb.lol. Openly licensed.

This is a database for the day of 2023-12-09 of all aircraft known to adsb.lol.
GitHub Release: v2023.12.09-planes-readsb-staging-0
GitHub Download Link: https://github.com/adsblol/globe_history/releases/tag/v2023.12.09-planes-readsb-staging-0
Uploaded on: 2023-12-10
Original Path: /var/globe_history/2023/12/09
Pod of origin: planes-readsb-staging-0
It was made by readsb (https://github.com/wiedehopf/readsb)
This database is made available under the Open Database License:
Attached locally: LICENSE-ODbL.txt
This is made possible by the adsb.lol feeders.
If you want to help, please consider increasing coverage by adding a feeder:
By feeding adsb.lol, you agree to the extent possible under law,
to waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to your data, associating your work with the CC0 license.
Attached locally: LICENSE-CC0.txt
ps: может понадобиться декодер https://github.com/wiedehopf/readsb